Solana Foundation, the non-profit organization of the Solana Network, disclosed on Jan. 14 a security event involving its email service provider Mailchimp.

According to an email sent out to users and seen by Pandoraland, the Foundation was informed by Mailchimp on Jan. 12 that “an unapproved actor accessed and exported specific user data from the Solana Foundation’s Mailchimp instance.”

Among the information accessed and exported in the occurrence were user’s names and Telegram usernames. The Solana Foundation mentioned:

“Based on the info we have actually received from Mailchimp, the affected info might have consisted of, inter alia, email addresses, names, and Telegram usernames, in each case only to the level users supplied any such info. Mailchimp advised that the event did not impact passwords or charge card info.”

The number of users affected by the incident is uncertain. There was no official statement from Solana or Mailchimp regarding the incident at the time of publication. Solana did not right away respond to Pandoraland’s ask for comment.Related: 5 sly

techniques crypto phishing fraudsters used last year: SlowMist Couple of weeks ago, another crypto business had user’s emails exposed by third-party companies. As reported by Pandoraland on Dec. 13, hackers got to 5,701,649 lines of information referring to consumers of crypto exchange Gemini, consisting of e-mail addresses and partial phone numbers. It is not the first time crypto business have experienced security issues with Mailchimp. In August 2022, the e-mail marketing platform Mailchimp suspended its services to crypto material developers and platforms associated with crypto news or related services. Users began to experience issues logging into accounts, followed by notifications of service interruptions. At the time, Mailchimp mentioned that”across

the tech market, harmful stars are increasingly releasing a selection of sophisticated phishing and social engineering techniques targeting information and information from crypto-related business.”The business likewise stated that”in reaction to a current attack targeting Mailchimp’s crypto-related users, we’ve taken proactive procedures to temporarily suspend account gain access to for accounts where we spotted suspicious activity while we investigate the event even more.”The Beosin Global Web3 Security Report 2022 exposed 167 significant security incidents over 2022, with DeFi tasks attacked 113 times, which accounted for approx. 67.6%of recorded attacks, Pandoraland reported.